Lokális Exchange, külsŠmail szerver
Sziasztok! A kvetkez problmban krnm segtsgeteket: Adott egy Exchange 2k3, ami a loklis, cges levelezst szolglja ki. Viszont a domain MX rekord egy adatparkos linuxos szerverre mutat, innen a cges gp PopCon-nal hzza le a leveleket. A linuxos gpen ltrehoztam egy levelezlistt (ugyanaz a domain, mint a bels cmek), ami kvlrl mkdik is, csak cgen bellrl az Exchange nem hajland kikldeni a leveleket erre a cmre, mivel az neki loklisnak szmt. Krdsem: Lehet-e valamifle szablyt (Recipient Policies) vagy kivtelt ltrehozni, hogy bizonyos e-mail cmekre kldtt levelek mindenkpp kimenjenek a kls SMTP fel? Ksznm: Szak Endre Hi Please help me to solve the following problem: We have an Exvhange 2k3 server, which deliver our domain's emails locally. At a datacenter there is a Linux server, and the domain's MX record points at this linux server. The exchange download emails by PopCon, and delivery locally. I made a mailing list (with the same domain) at the linux server, and it's working perfectly if I use it out of office. But I can't send email to this list because the echange want to delivery the mail locally. Is it possible to make a rule (Recipient Policies) or exception for this situation? I mean if I send emails to specified recipients, the exchange use a different SMTP? I hope You can understand :) Thank You and Best Regards: Endre, Szak
June 22nd, 2009 12:06pm
Hi,This is English forum, in order to get a better response, could you please write your problem in English?thanks,Elvis
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June 22nd, 2009 12:30pm
Sorry, I edit the post. By the way I found some post in hungarian too. Thank You.
June 22nd, 2009 2:24pm
Hi Endre,
There is no way to prevent Exchange route mail without doing a local lookup. For your situation, here is a workaround.
1. In your Exchange, add a new contact, lets say, Peter@linux.com. Then set a forward rule in Peters properties, forward all email to peter@exchange.com to that contact.
2. Create a send connector, all mails to linux.com are forward to a smart host, thats your Linux server's IP.
In your Linux server, configure "linux.com" as an accepted domain.
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June 23rd, 2009 12:10pm